Dear NYAEF Supporters,
Many of you are familiar with Community Club, the DC-based tutoring and mentoring program that has been helping students since 1962, and the Foundation’s largest grantee. During the 2019-2020 school year, 85 pairs of students and tutors met weekly, as they have for 58 years, until March of this year when COVID-19 required Community Club, its tutors, and students to continue their work virtually. Despite the innumerable challenges and hardships the pandemic created for its students, they prevailed and worked hard to complete another successful academic year with the help of their tutors. We at the New York Avenue Educational Foundation wanted to share with you the resilience and success of Community Club’s students and tutors.
Community Club ends every school year with a joyful and emotional awards ceremony honoring its graduating seniors and the successes of all their students. The ceremony was understandably cancelled this year, but the students were still celebrated through an Awards & Recognition “Program” in which twelve high school seniors were honored for graduating this academic year, along with 7 Community Club alums who graduated from college and 4 who received graduate degrees. In addition, Community Club is proud to have provided 57 college students scholarships this past academic year, an achievement that could not have occurred without your support. We have included the program so you can see for yourself the amazing relationships and community the Community Club program fosters.
The NYAEF Board would like to thank you for your continued support as programs like Community Club face an ever-increasing challenge of educating our youth and trying to even the uneven playing field many DC youth face.